Reflexology by Louise

Bringing balance to your life through reflexology

Reflexology by Louise Dodd M.A.R.

The Importance of well-being:

I have over 19 years of experience in supporting people with many health conditions, using reflexology.

I am a member of The Association of Reflexology and have undertaken specialist training to treat people trying to conceive, throughout pregnancy, and during peri menopause and menopause.

Reflexology is my favourite therapy to give, and receive! there is nothing quite like the deep feeling of relaxation it brings about. It is a gentle, holistic therapy, shown to improve;

  • Sleep Problems
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Aches and Pains
  • Relaxation
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Sinus Pain
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Well-being

...............and much more!

Picture of Louise, the reflexologist

If life seems overwhelming at the moment, and you would like to give reflexology a go, please get in touch and we can have a chat.

What my clients say

What should I expect?

During your first session, I will undertake a full consultation, collecting information relating to your medical history, lifestyle and general health. Following this, the treatment itself will take approximately 1 hour, during which a firm but gentle pressure will be used on the soles, sides and tops of the feet. The treatment is carried out on bare feet whilst you relax in a reclining chair.

During the treatment you may feel a variety of sensations, including tingling and fleeting minor discomfort, but the treatment in the most part should be pleasant, soothing and relaxing.

After the treatment you should feel comfortably calm and relaxed, many patients report that they sleep much better afterwards and have an improved sense of well-being. As a general rule, you should allow between 4 to 6 treatments for improvements in particular health conditions, however this is only a rough guide, improvements for some health conditions may take longer.

Following a treatment, it is very important to drink plenty of water to rid the body of the toxins and impurities that the reflexology session has released.


The cost of a 1 hour reflexology session is £40, an additional £5 may be charged for mobile treatments depending on the location. The first session may last up to 75 minutes as a detailed history or your health will be taken, along with your reasons for choosing reflexology. This will allow me to put together a specific treatment plan to meet your needs.

Get in touch

Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to ask about booking Reflexology sessions. Alternatively, you can call me on 07866057054.

Please be aware that if you send me any sensitive medical/health information, I will only hold and use this if we proceed to treatment, at which time I will require explicit consent from you to hold this data. If we do not proceed to treatment I will erase this information.

© Louise Dodd

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